Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
This recording is a copy of one made from a radio broadcast in 1967, made by M. Paul Gardissart and given to David Luders in 1994. In it, Ben Alfred of Tongoa introduces four Tongoan chiefs. They give (in Bislama) an account of the chief Roimata on Efate and sing two songs, alleging that the first of these is of the making of chiefs on Efate by Roimata and the second about Roimata's death.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-001
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
Pastor Simbolo records in Bislama his reaction to hearing LPC 1, with prompting by D.L.. He contests the claims of the four Tongoan chiefs that the songs they sang related to Roimata, and some of their assertions. He also gives his version of the events he disputes and sings three songs related to them. The recording finishes with 'Valele rae', a 61/2 minute song about the 'great Efate war.'
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-002
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
An account of the explosion of Kuwae (in AD 1452) given by Simbolo with some input (relating to the early part, of Lopevi erupting) from Obed Mera. Four songs are included (one of them verifiable by another recording done by Paul Gardissart). Approx 2/3 of the track is pre-eruption, 1/3 post-eruption.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-003
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
Eighteen songs of Tongoa/Epi, sung by Simbolo. The percussion accompanying the songs is Simbolo striking his wooden stool with his knuckles. It mimics the beat that should accompany the song on slit-gong or a resonator consisting of a pit covered by a wooden slab, the latter struck by a wooden stave held vertically. -- Unless songs have a title, they are given names from words out of their lyrics. Those that were traditionally sung to the accompaniment of large slit-gongs are known as nakima songs and those sung with a small hand-held gong called nangkolongkol are known as nambalas songs. Both nakima and nambalas songs are either simbako-ot or nataviv songs. The last two songs fall into none of these categories. -- SIDE A The songs are preceded by a short introduction. -- Nakima songsSimbako-ot 1. Besuei. This song is sung to 'wake up' the slit-gongs. That is, it precedes all nakima songs and announces to the spirits that songs are to be sung. 2. Kupei mo. 3. Matariki. 4. Diri dariri 5. Mialele bonoai 6. Womilo -- Nataviv 7. Matele telenia nivo 8. Nawerilola -- Nambalas songs The songs are preceded by a short introduction. -- Simbako-ot 9. Eae amae aea (a song of Panita, Tongoa) 10. Kehea mo earo 11. Emale male (Parts 1 and 2) 12. Song of Masesiri -- SIDE B 13. Orariki orarikiNataviv 14. Ea ea eo (Song of Taripoamata) 15. Song of Natetapu 16. Nahili nale ni Mangkaris (a song of Mangarisu) -- Other songs 17. Seli hoo Vanuatu (A song to celebrate Vanuatu's Independence in 1980.) 18. Leopangi lolo Song of Munuai Tavara, who foretold the coming of white men to Tongoa.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-004
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
1. Manu manu burita (Song of Matariliu) --
2. Song of Manamuri --
3. Lelea-e-roba roba --
SIDE B (Blank)
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-005
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
Explanations in Bislama of the songs on Simbolo 3 and Simbolo 4
SIDE A Explanations of songs 1 to 14 on Simbolo 3
SIDE B Explanations of songs 14 to 18 on Simbolo 3 and songs on Simbolo 4
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-006
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
An interview with Simbolo conducted by D.L.. The subject is Efate - Shepherds Is. migrations, chiefly titles, wars and other events.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-007
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1994-12-01 End Date1994-12-01
Explanation by Fred Ti Makata of Emae
1. Naro - rina (check)
Explanation / introduction by Simbolo (including an error)
2. Velo velo
3. Natano makoto
4. Natano saruru
5. Kehea mo earu
Commentary by Simbolo
6. Emale-male (Song of Maraki Pule)
7. Orariki orariki songs -
a. Leku-ru
b. Leina-asu
c. Lekulio
d. 'Paoda'
Introduction by Simbolo to the following song, in which he refers to the great Efate war, asserting that it was Ti Evate who brought peace to Efate.
8. Song of Ti Evate
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-008
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1998-09-01 End Date1998-09-01
1. Seve manu pakura liu (Song dating from first arrival of chiefs, referring to migration from Erramango to Efate.)
2. Toa riri (song of first creation of chiefs at Lukutapu, also sung, in part, on LPC 1)
3. Aliko te-e-te (Matariliu of Panita)
4. Leola-leleo (Murder of Ti Tongoa Mata’s wife)
5. Tuanae (Ti Tongoa Mata 's ‘sacrifice' of his son)
6. E rere (Naruk of Paku)
7. Manu riri (Naruk of Usa Moli of Matangi)
8. Liuau liuau (Song of Maraki Pule Mata)
9. Lemanu rere (Song of Vandanu)
10. Nga roputo (Song concerning land boundary between Lupalea and Pele; Moanando masi.) check to get all names right
11. Eleosara eleosara (A seresereana song)
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-009
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1998-09-01 End Date1998-09-01
1. Velo velo (Song of Cpt. McLeod at Havannah Harbour, Efate)
2. Totoro nambanga (Song of Ti Nambua)
3. Ro diele (Song of Mase)
4. Soro ao (soro au) (Song of Somor lulu) / Atavi Rualima)
5. Ku pita (Song of Mariasi)
6. Sale mandenge (Song of Mwasoe Rangi, Makira)
7. Ieie natano
Songs for hauling heavy objects (canoes, logs, etc.)
8. Tai tangaoe
9. Enga indie
10. Pua ri-iki
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-010
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1998-09-01 End Date1998-09-01
Two songs for hauling heavy objects
1. Pua ri-iki
2. Rai naoe
3. Soso lupenga
4. Seruae (Song of Ti Makata)
5. Ki waka (Repeat six times)
6. Longoro leongoro
Simbako-ot 7. Manu dukituki namalingo
songs 8 . Malingo dukituki
9. Mama dietie
10. Keluke na keluke
11, Aga surata leogoro (A talele song)
12. Terue (Song of Simbolo's mother)
13. Rongo wiana(wia-ana)
14. Do usi (Song of Ti Poloa's sister)
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-011
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1998-09-01 End Date1998-09-01
1. Mataku palo (Song of Pele island, N. Efate)
Nambalas songs
2. Leleae roparopa
3. Rovalevale rovalevale (check)
4. Manu kai (pronounced "manu ngkai or manu nkkai) daliviri (Song of Ti Makura Roto of Mangarisu)
5. Elero mokoe
6. E paingoro
7. Luuva mata
8. Ekeke koroi wia (Song of Faratia Mata's daughter Leipau, of Emae; song composed by Amos Ti Tongoa Liseiriki)
9. Teru-e-rue (Song of Tari Meletau Aloara of Tevala, Pele)
10. Toro ene (Song of Manaroto of Katamihak, Oriu, Tongoa)
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-012
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1998-09-01 End Date1998-09-01
Nambalas songs
1. Alolo pei noai wia (check) (Song from Lumbukuti)
2. Toro ene (Song of Maraki wola, Pele)
3. Tava varione (Song of Mbutu Mbutu, history song of Ti Tongoa Liseiriki)
4. Roweli au (Song of Tioama of Bengone, Buninga)
5. Porau arodangi (Song of Matariliu's canoe, Malonatasi, that drifted to Banks Is.)
6. Koko reko (Song from Mangarisu)
7. Koe akoe (Song of Mataritapu of Fenongi, Emae)
8. Eae amae (Song from Panita)
9. Ekeke eraodosulo (Song from Lumbukuti)
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-013
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1998-09-01 End Date1998-09-01
Nambalas songs
1. Manu kai daliviri Song of Malesu Mata, Ravenga, Tongoa)
2. Iao iao orariki
Talele songs (sung without instruments other than pairs of bamboo sticks)
3. Teku soso au (Song of land dispute, Mangita/Sasake, Emae)
4. So-ongi ki nawota (Song of Ti Tongoa Mata, Mangarisu, Tongoa)
SIDE B Blank
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-014
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
History of the Ti Tongoa Liseiriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-015
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
History of the Ti Tongoa Liseiriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-016
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
History of the Ti Tongoa Liseiriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-017
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
History of the Ti Tongoa Liseiriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-018
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
History of the Ti Tongoa Liseiriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-019
- Languages
- Bislama - bis
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
History of the Ti Tongoa Liseiriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-020
- Languages
- Bislama - bis
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
History of the Ti Tongoa Liseiriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-021
- Languages
- Bislama - bis
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Ti Matasso na Mata title, recorded in Namaukra and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-022
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Ti Matasso na Mata title, recorded in Namaukra and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-023
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Ti Matasso na Mata title, recorded in Namaukra and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-024
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Ti Matasso Tonoriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-025
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Ti Matasso Tonoriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-026
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Ti Matasso Tonoriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-027
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Ti Matasso Tonoriki title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-028
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Taripoamata title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-029
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Taripoamata title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-030
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Taripoamata title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-031
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Taripoamata title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-032
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
History of the Taripoamata title, recorded in Namakura and Bislama in 1996
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-033
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
This series of six recordings details the significant points and stages in the life of a chief in the Shepherd Is. when customs were fully maintained. The first recording is a 'preliminary' discourse, covering the period prior to his birth - viz, customs relating to his parents' marriage. The other five recordings deal with the conventions, ceremonies and procedures that surrounded his birth, early life, preparations for his incumbency, accession to his title, conduct of his incumbency and ultimately, his death. The recordings are in Namakura language, rendered by Pakoasongi Parang, formerly Ti Tongoa Roto of Bongabonga, Tongoa.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-034
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
This series of six recordings details the significant points and stages in the life of a chief in the Shepherd Is. when customs were fully maintained. The first recording is a 'preliminary' discourse, covering the period prior to his birth - viz, customs relating to his parents' marriage. The other five recordings deal with the conventions, ceremonies and procedures that surrounded his birth, early life, preparations for his incumbency, accession to his title, conduct of his incumbency and ultimately, his death. The recordings are in Namakura language, rendered by Pakoasongi Parang, formerly Ti Tongoa Roto of Bongabonga, Tongoa.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-035
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
This series of six recordings details the significant points and stages in the life of a chief in the Shepherd Is. when customs were fully maintained. The first recording is a 'preliminary' discourse, covering the period prior to his birth - viz, customs relating to his parents' marriage. The other five recordings deal with the conventions, ceremonies and procedures that surrounded his birth, early life, preparations for his incumbency, accession to his title, conduct of his incumbency and ultimately, his death. The recordings are in Namakura language, rendered by Pakoasongi Parang, formerly Ti Tongoa Roto of Bongabonga, Tongoa.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-036
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
This series of six recordings details the significant points and stages in the life of a chief in the Shepherd Is. when customs were fully maintained. The first recording is a 'preliminary' discourse, covering the period prior to his birth - viz, customs relating to his parents' marriage. The other five recordings deal with the conventions, ceremonies and procedures that surrounded his birth, early life, preparations for his incumbency, accession to his title, conduct of his incumbency and ultimately, his death. The recordings are in Namakura language, rendered by Pakoasongi Parang, formerly Ti Tongoa Roto of Bongabonga, Tongoa.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-037
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
This series of six recordings details the significant points and stages in the life of a chief in the Shepherd Is. when customs were fully maintained. The first recording is a 'preliminary' discourse, covering the period prior to his birth - viz, customs relating to his parents' marriage. The other five recordings deal with the conventions, ceremonies and procedures that surrounded his birth, early life, preparations for his incumbency, accession to his title, conduct of his incumbency and ultimately, his death. The recordings are in Namakura language, rendered by Pakoasongi Parang, formerly Ti Tongoa Roto of Bongabonga, Tongoa.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-038
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-02-01 End Date1996-02-01
This series of six recordings details the significant points and stages in the life of a chief in the Shepherd Is. when customs were fully maintained. The first recording is a 'preliminary' discourse, covering the period prior to his birth - viz, customs relating to his parents' marriage. The other five recordings deal with the conventions, ceremonies and procedures that surrounded his birth, early life, preparations for his incumbency, accession to his title, conduct of his incumbency and ultimately, his death. The recordings are in Namakura language, rendered by Pakoasongi Parang, formerly Ti Tongoa Roto of Bongabonga, Tongoa.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-039
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
These two recordings deal with a crucial dispute over the succession to the title of Ti Tongoa Roto at Bongabonga, Tongoa. It covers the origin, history and issues relevant to the dispute. Namakura language, Pakoasongi Parang.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-040
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
These two recordings deal with a crucial dispute over the succession to the title of Ti Tongoa Roto at Bongabonga, Tongoa. It covers the origin, history and issues relevant to the dispute. Namakura language, Pakoasongi Parang.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-041
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
The first two of these recordings (in Namakura, Pakoasongi Parang) deal with the relationships, responsibilities and historical basis of those for the various chiefs at Bongabonga village, Tongoa. In doing so, they portray the nature of the chiefly structure ands operations. The third recording covers an important 'external' relationship, that of the senior Ti Tongoa titles to the title of Sasamaki on Tongariki, a relationship dating from the earliest period of the titles. The recordings thus present in some detail an example of the workings of the chiefly system in the Shepherd Is..
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-042
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
The first two of these recordings (in Namakura, Pakoasongi Parang) deal with the relationships, responsibilities and historical basis of those for the various chiefs at Bongabonga village, Tongoa. In doing so, they portray the nature of the chiefly structure ands operations. The third recording covers an important 'external' relationship, that of the senior Ti Tongoa titles to the title of Sasamaki on Tongariki, a relationship dating from the earliest period of the titles. The recordings thus present in some detail an example of the workings of the chiefly system in the Shepherd Is..
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-042_A
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
The first two of these recordings (in Namakura, Pakoasongi Parang) deal with the relationships, responsibilities and historical basis of those for the various chiefs at Bongabonga village, Tongoa. In doing so, they portray the nature of the chiefly structure ands operations. The third recording covers an important 'external' relationship, that of the senior Ti Tongoa titles to the title of Sasamaki on Tongariki, a relationship dating from the earliest period of the titles. The recordings thus present in some detail an example of the workings of the chiefly system in the Shepherd Is..
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-043
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
The first two of these recordings (in Namakura, Pakoasongi Parang) deal with the relationships, responsibilities and historical basis of those for the various chiefs at Bongabonga village, Tongoa. In doing so, they portray the nature of the chiefly structure ands operations. The third recording covers an important 'external' relationship, that of the senior Ti Tongoa titles to the title of Sasamaki on Tongariki, a relationship dating from the earliest period of the titles. The recordings thus present in some detail an example of the workings of the chiefly system in the Shepherd Is..
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-044
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
These two recordings cover custom law in the Shepherd Is., presented in Namakura language by Pakoasongi Parang who, as Ti Tongoa Roto of Bongabonga, administered it for many years.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-045
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
These two recordings cover custom law in the Shepherd Is., presented in Namakura language by Pakoasongi Parang who, as Ti Tongoa Roto of Bongabonga, administered it for many years.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-046
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
The ceremonial killing of pigs in the Shepherd Is. was a matter of strict and precise protocol. The carcass of the pig was cut up according to fixed and exact procedure and the various cuts distributed in conformity with closely determined hierarchical precedence. Departure from the set pattern could be an insult with grave consequences. In this recording, the procedure is described. At the time of the recording, a pig was cut up in the prescribed way and photographs taken. The intention is that the visual material will be attached to the audio archive at some future time. Namakura language, Pakoasongi Parang.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-047
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
These recordings, (in Namakura language by Pakoasongi Parang) cover the history and responsibilities of the chiefly title of Talipo. Talipo is a title under Ti Tongoa Roto at Bongabonga, Tongoa.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-048
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
These recordings, (in Namakura language by Pakoasongi Parang) cover the history and responsibilities of the chiefly title of Talipo. Talipo is a title under Ti Tongoa Roto at Bongabonga, Tongoa.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-049
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
Called the 'aspects of life' series, these three recordings describe a miscellany of features of traditional life in the Shepherd Is. Subjects include tools, mats, seasons, spirits, stars, village layouts, clothing and adornments. Namakura language, Pakoasongi Parang.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-050
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
Called the 'aspects of life' series, these three recordings describe a miscellany of features of traditional life in the Shepherd Is. Subjects include tools, mats, seasons, spirits, stars, village layouts, clothing and adornments. Namakura language, Pakoasongi Parang.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-051
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
Called the 'aspects of life' series, these three recordings describe a miscellany of features of traditional life in the Shepherd Is. Subjects include tools, mats, seasons, spirits, stars, village layouts, clothing and adornments. Namakura language, Pakoasongi Parang.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-052
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
Told by Pakoasongi Parang in Namakura, this recording is of two stories. One is an account of the loss of a canoe at sea on a voyage from Tongoa to Emae, when he was the only survivor. The other is of the killing of a missionary (of possible Polynesian origin. Check) and another person on Tongoa. The second story is completed on Side A of LPC 54.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-053
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
Completion of the story on Side B of LPC 54.
Accounts of various naruk, (pronounced "na ruuk") which were assassination orders by chiefs. Pakoasongi Parang, speaking in Namakura.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-054
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
Amos Ti Tongoa Liseiriki and Pakoasongi Parang talk about chiefly relations between chiefs of Bongabonga, Tongoa and Emae, with the stories necessary to explain them.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-055
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.3145 Longitude168.4745 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
Amos Ti Tongoa Liseiriki and Pakoasongi Parang talk about chiefly relations between chiefs of Bongabonga, Tongoa and Emae, with the stories necessary to explain them.
Extended Data
- ID
- DLGP1-056
- Languages
- Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)